
Weinberg/Keiver Ethanol Liquid Diet(TP4040)

一、Weinberg/Keiver ethanol liquid Diet介绍





脂肪16.4%, 蛋白质25%, 碳水化合物58.6%。




二、Weinberg/Keiver ethanol liquid Diet的用途






(5)胎儿酒精(中毒)综合症(Fetal alcohol syndrome,简称FAS)或(fetal alcohol spectrum disorder,FASD)或(FASARD Fetal alcohol syndrome and related disorders,FASRD)发病机理的研究,或用于FAS或FASD造模进行治疗或干预的研究;



三、Weinberg/Keiver ethanol liquid Diet应用的注意点




2. 购买前、后应当向公司索取以下资料:






[1] Patten AR, Brocardo PS, Christie BR. Omega-3 supplementation can restore glutathione levels and prevent oxidative damage caused by prenatal ethanol exposure. J Nutr Biochem. 2013 May;24(5):760-9.

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[39] McGivern RF, Handa RJ, Raum WJ. Ethanol exposure during the last week of gestation in the rat: inhibition of the prenatal testosterone surge in males without long-term alterations in sex behavior. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 1998 Jul-Aug;20(4):483-90.

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[44] Caldeira JC, Wu Y, Mameli M, Purdy RH, Li PK, Akwa Y, Savage DD, Engen JR, Valenzuela CF. Fetal alcohol exposure alters neurosteroid levels in the developing rat brain. J Neurochem. 2004 Sep;90(6):1530-9.

[45] Aird F, Halasz I, Redei E. Ontogeny of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor and anterior pituitary pro-opiomelanocortin expression in male and female offspring of alcohol-exposed and adrenalectomized dams.Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1997 Dec;21(9):1560-6.







