
Ethanol Liquid Diet for Primate(baboon, monkey, chimpanzee)














TP4700:脂肪21%, 蛋白质18%, 碳水化合物11%, 酒精50%。

TP4700C:TP4700的对照饲料,脂肪21%, 蛋白质18%, 碳水化合物61%。


The composition of the liquid diet is adjusted to meet the needs of the primate. The protein content is almost twice the amount recommended for humans. The carbohydrate content is 61% of total calories in the control diet. In the alcohol-containing diet, ethanol replaces carbohydrate isocalorically up to 50% of total energy. Thus, the alcohol content of the primate liquid diet is significantly higher than that of the rat because of a lesser aversion to ethanol in the former species. The higher alcohol intake, coupled with the longer periods of administration, may, in addition to species difference, be responsible for the fact that the primate not only develops fatty liver, but progresses to more severe stages of alcoholic liver disease, including cirrhosis. Diets are given to the primate in standard drinking bottles equipped with an outlet valve. Except for a daily carrot, the animals receive nothing to eat or drink but the liquid diet.。



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